50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Meet Your Neighbours

We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of people living in our complex. In this section we would like to pass along the unique stories of an individual or family. If you would be willing to share your experiences, please send these to the webmaster or drop your story in to the management office.

If you click here, you will be directed to the Neighbours archive.

If you know your neighbour has a special story, we encourage you to ask them to submit it or, with their permission, write the story for them.

It would be very nice if you could also provide a picture of yourself. Our goal with this website is to encourage communication and it would be nice to place a face to a name.

John Herbert "Jock" Galloway


It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Jock on July 27 , 2021, in his 82nd year. Born in Stranraer, Scotland on January 22 , 1940.

During the War years (1942-1945) Jock and the Galloway family moved several times in England until his father was posted to Berlin (British Sector), 1946 – 1949. Jock moved back to     England (Bushey), 1949. Once again, the family moved, this time to Geneva Switzerland where Jock  attended Ecolint, The International School of Geneva, 1952 – 1955. Returning to England (Eastbourne) in 1955, Jock attended Eastbourne Grammar School earning his "O" levels and was awarded the Caffyn prize for English and the Hartington prize for top boy. In 1956 Jock and the family emigrated to Canada where Jock attended McGill University in Montreal. Jock graduated with First Class Honours BA in Geography in 1960 and  was one of five students awarded the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship that allowed Jock to attend the   University of California, Berkley, where he earned his MA in 1961. In 1964, Jock began an early association with the University of Toronto as a lecturer with the Department of Geography. He completed his education with a  PhD from the University of London 1965.

He became Assistant Professor, 1965 - 1970, Associate Professor 1970 – 1977 and then Professor 1977 – 2005, Department of Geography at University of Toronto. He was awarded the  Guggenheim Fellowship in 1970. He was a member of both the Canada Council Leave Fellowship, Visiting Fellow, Emanuel College Cambridge, 1977 – 1978. His primary area of research was the historical  geography of Brazil and the Caribbean, and historical geography of the sugar cane industry. Jock was Fellow, Victoria College University of Toronto, 1986 - 2005. He served as editor of the Canadian Geographer and sat on the editorial board of the Journal of Historical Geography. He won the 1999 Outstanding Teaching Award in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and the 2002 Award for Scholarly Distinction in Geography from the Canadian  Association of Geographers. On July 1, 2005, Jock was awarded the honour of Professor Emeritus of Victoria University, University of Toronto.

 During his forty years of academic life at University of Toronto Jock supervised many successful graduate  students. He made a point of keeping up with them, often during his travels. Jock's education, teaching, research, and publishing activity was focused  primarily on research and writing on various historical subjects of the sugar industry including the role played by the railway in the staple's transportation and trade. Also included was research on the Department of  Geography at University of Toronto and research and memorials on Bill Birch. As well as writings produced as part his post- graduate studies focused on the plantation economy of Barbados and the historical geography of Pernambuco,  Brazil. His book "The Sugar Cane Industry: An Historical Geography from its origins to 1914" was published in 1989. Jock retired from University of Toronto in 2005 but continued to work on the 2nd  edition of his research "Sugar II". Jock's   expertise in the sugar industry was world-recognized, to the extent that set designers of the Pirates of the  Caribbean films sought information on the correct design of an 18th  century Caribbean sugar mill.

Both before and after retirement Jock travelled the world, attending geographical conferences speaking on his expertise in the sugar industry. He also travelled widely to explore countries new  to him for personal pleasure, enjoying culture, food, and indulging in skiing and birding. A very important part of Jock's life was his family and friends. He always connected with them, until his health declined. Having lived with Alzheimer's Disease for 14 years, Jock lost the battle in Tweed, Ontario.





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