50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Residents Guide ~

The Residents' Guide is intended to inform you how our community at YCC323 functions, and to advise you how to make the best use of the facilities. It is an informal supplement to the Declaration, By-laws and Consolidated Rules and Regulations of YCC323, and the Condominium Act of Ontario. This guide does not in any way supersede or replace these documents.

The decision to live in a Condominium compels every owner and tenant to agree to abide by the legal requirement of these documents, and it is the responsibility of your Board of Directors to enforce compliance with them. However, achieving the quiet enjoyment of a pleasant living atmosphere for all residents cannot depend on legislation and rules. It can only be achieved by all of us sharing a common concern for the welfare of all our neighbours. The success of our community is entirely dependent on our willingness to offer such consideration for each other.

The Board of Directors is dedicated to assisting you to make your home comfortable and secure, while maintaining standards of excellence within the building that generate pride, enjoyment and long-term protection of our financial investment in it.

The complete guide can be viewed in PDF format and/or printed for your use. Please click here to view the document.

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