50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4






UPDATE: June 2016: The front lobby has been completed. As with every project, final details and adjustments may continue for several months. The next phase is the exercise room and sauna on the P1 level. Design work has started with a start date for work projected to begin in the fall of 2016.

Terms of reference


The Board of Directors recognizes that it is important to maintain our common areas for a number of reasons. We need to make the common layout more efficient, include modern technology where needed, use materials that will require less costly maintenance and provide a welcoming environment for friends and relatives who visit. For those who wish to sell their units, it is important to retain the “curb appeal and value” of the building. There is also an interest among some residents in attracting young owners to the building to ensure that we continue to enjoy a vibrant community.
With all of these considerations in mind, the Board of Directors has set up a project team to assess the situation and make recommendations to address the issues.


1. The objective of this project team is to develop a plan for assessing the state of the common areas and make recommendations where appropriate to repair and/or upgrade the areas.
2. This project will include community engagement to solicit owners’ ideas, preferences and suggestions and incorporate them into an overall plan. Such mechanisms as sub-committees, surveys and a consideration of possible options will be available for resident involvement in the decision making process. Regular progress reports will be available to owners/residents. It will be important to manage expectations given that many owners have varying perspectives on the need for and the style of any renovations.
3. The project team will consist of a Board Member to be designated as the Chairperson and owner members who have expertise in related areas and who have been identified by the Board.
4. Common areas are defined in scope as including:
- Lobby (including Mail Box area) [Completed]
- Property Manager’s Office
- Meeting Room
- Library
- Games Room
- Exercise Room
- Sauna Rooms
5. The Chairperson will act as the liaison in all discussions with the Board and the Property Manager. The Chairperson will report regularly to the Board on the progress of the project team through the sharing of Project Committee Meeting Minutes and verbal reports. As appropriate, the Chairperson together with the project team will present recommendations to the Board.


Dependent on the design phase timelines will be communicated as the project team reviews alternatives presented for consideration.


The preliminary stages of assessment should not result in budget expenditures. The objective would be to recommend a quality result within a cost effective budget.

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