50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Energy Committee ~

"Did you Know????" New and Improved Reduce, reuse and recycling information. Updated September, 2017

City of Toronto updated Recycling Notice poster: July, 2015

Recycling Tips and Reminders: Please see extract from Viewpoint 50 "2014 Year In Review" here

Please see Viewpoint50 - Winter 2013 (page4) for an historical discussion on this committee.

Chairperson: Anne Farraway


PREAMBLE:  Given the significant concerns pertaining to the environment and expense management, a number of residents have volunteered to be involved in identifying ways in which YCC 323 can be more environmentally conscious and cost conscious and, recognizing this initiative, the Board of Directors, as authorized under By-Law No.6, Section 8.08, has appointed an advisory committee to be known as The Energy Conservation Committee.

ORGANIZATION:The committee shall consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of five members, including a Chairperson who shall be elected by and from the committee.

The Board, may, at its discretion, assign one director to be the committee’s primary contact with the Board.

A director assigned as the committee’s primary contact shall be an “ex-officio” member of the committee, with rights to attend and participate in all meetings, without the right to vote.

TERMS OF REFERENCE:The function of this committee is to identify research and recommend energy/resource savings initiatives for consideration and potential implementation by the YCC 323 Board of Directors. This would include matters relating to pollution reduction, energy savings and recycling as well as cost reduction related to energy conservation.

The committee through its Chairperson will report regularly to the assigned director or, in his or her absence to the Board Chair, on the activities of the committee and, when appropriate, may be asked to present for discussion, at the Board, any formal projects and recommendations or general concepts that the committee may develop.

Annually, prior to the establishments of the corporation’s fiscal year’s budget, the committee will prepare formal or summary recommendations for the Board of Directors to consider.

As and when required the committee may, with the assigned director, review and recommend to the Board of Directors, changes in these Terms of Reference.

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