50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Health and Safety Committee ~ Terms of Reference and Minutes of Meetings:


PREAMBLE: Given concerns pertaining to the ongoing safety and security of our home and residence, and common health concerns of residents therein, a number of residents have volunteered to be involved in identifying ways in which YCC 323 can be more pro-active around issues of health and safety. The Board recognizes the need to maintain a healthy, safe and secure environment and the need for the residents to have a sense of same, and, as authorized under By-Law No. 6, Section 8.08, has appointed an advisory committee to be known as the Health & Safety Committee. For details on the operation of the committee please click here


Health and Safety Minutes by year
March 5 March 15


Archived Minutes


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