50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Construction Monitoring Committee ~

Reference Material and Links (information pending)

The following images may help orient the placement of the building realtive to 50 Quebec Avenue. Please note these are renderings and are subject to modifications by the developer.

Quebec Avenue Construction Information July, 2017

Tree Removal Diagram:

Update March 2, 2017 - Access Road construction

Ontario Municipal Board - TVO discussion As the province grows rapidly, the decisions of the Ontario Municipal Board are increasingly in the spotlight. Is the OMB misunderstood or is it time to overhaul the board? February 4, 2017

Construction Complaints: Toronto January 30, 2017

Underground Rivers: High Park January 12, 2017

Grenadier Development Project website May 19, 2017

Ontario Municipal Board Decision January 12, 2017

City of Toronto: Construction Requirements and Guidelines

Vibration on buildings :Construction Vibrations Damage Guide

Municipal Road Damage Deposit - Toronto

Condominium Insurance Made Simple: (Information provided by Allstate Insurance - not an endorsement, simply for information)

Condo Information Centre: Ontario specific; excellent data base, including insurance coverages




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