50 Quebec Avenue


York Condominium Corporation 323

50 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

M6P 4B4




Construction Monitoring Committee ~

Board Liaison: Brian MacDonald

Chair: Satish Dhar

Introducing the Construction Monitoring committee ...

Elisabeth Bihl, Frank Delling, Judy Love, Brian MacDonald, and Pauline Walsh

Demolition and construction work on the proposed 25 storey Grenadier Square development across the road from us will begin in the spring of 2017.  

To help the 50 Quebec community cope with the adverse effects of the Grenadier Square demolition and construction work, the Board decided to develop a coordinated strategy.  At its September, 2016 meeting, it established the Grenadier Square Construction Monitoring Committee (GSCMC)[Subsequently shortened to Construction Monitoring Committee - CMC].  Satish Dhar is the current Chair of the Committee.

Reference Material and Links

The following images may help orient the placement of the building relative to 50 Quebec Avenue. Please note these are renderings and are subject to modifications by the developer.


Meeting Minutes

Committee Minutes :
December 12, 2016  
January 9, 2017  
February 3, 2017  
April 5, 2017  


Note: This committee, as an "Ad Hoc" committee, has a limited life span.

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Committee Menu